Unleash the Power of Nature: How Raw Honey Can Boost Your Immunity and Keep You Healthy
With increased dangers to our health and the speed with which hazardous germs can spread, it seems sense to explore for strategies to strengthen our immunity. Did you know that raw honey is a reliable source of prevention and treatment ?
- Raw honey has been used as a potent natural cure since ancient times.
- Modern scientists have proved that elements in raw honey can defend patients against bacteria that are resistant to conventional drugs
- Honey, from bees kept naturally and straight from the hive, contains over 200 active health-promoting nutrients and enzymes. Great to strengthen your defenses.
- Certain flowers and plants that bees forage on can increase the health-boosting benefits of the honey.
- Sidr isn’t the only honey to have powerful health benefits.
There’s a lot of conflicting and inaccurate information out there. Here are the facts about raw honey and immunity boosting.
Which varieties of honey are most effective?
Sidr Honey or Beri HoneyWhy should this be your first choice? All parts of the Sidr tree have been used therapeutically, the healing knowledge handed down through generations. Bark, leaves and berries, each has a purpose, and the medicinal and nutritional benefits are passed into the honey.
Sidr and Elb are the trees that provide some of the most well-known and most prized honey; the trees are so special they are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. The quality of this Sidr (Beri) Honey is so good that it has been rated the "best in the world" by honey connoisseurs at FoodEx 2016 held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Nomadic beekeepers follow the gentle collecting methods passed down over centuries of tradition, in harmony with nature. The Sidr trees flourish in the rich soil of the Hadramout region. The hives in remote countryside untouched by modern life, are far away from pollution and the chemicals from industrial agriculture, so they yield pure, uncontaminated honey.
There have been fewer scientific tests on Sidr honey as it is relatively less well known than Manuka, but results support claims of its potency. In a study led by Tala Alandejani, MD, at the University of Ottawa, Sidr honey was more effective against MRSA than Manuka. She proved that both honeys zapped the bacteria that cause chronic sinusitis.
Order Now Raw Organic Sidr (Forrest Beri Honey)
Why is Sidr Beri Honey more potent than other honeys?As well as the benefits of the Sidr tree, this rare raw honey is harvested only once or twice a year when the Sidr flowers bloom. This gives it high levels of antioxidant and anti-microbial properties. Sidr honey contains as much as 75-150 mg ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) per 100g, while other honey has less than 5mg per 100g.
Proof that raw honey prevents and heals
The test of timeRecorded use of raw honey to promote health is from Egyptian times and, before the discovery of anti-biotics, was used widely for its potent healing properties and as a cure for many ailments. Scientists began to investigate this phenomenon and look for the reasons why. In 1892 Dutch Scientist Van Ketel identified clinically effective antimicrobial agents in raw honey which could sterilize and help to heal wounds. It is still used by eminent physicians especially in the healing of serious burns.
Antibiotic resistanceThe discovery of penicillin (a naturally occurring defense against strains of bacteria) revolutionized health-care. But synthetic derivatives and inappropriate use across so many aspects of everyday life have caused bacterial strains to mutate leading to ‘super bugs’ which cannot be treated with drugs available. Scientists are again looking into the natural world for a solution.
Professor Rose Cooper, from the Centre for Biomedical Sciences at Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK has dedicated research into the effect of raw honey in many areas of treatment, from stopping devastating bacteria like MRSA, to its impact on cystic fibrosis patients.
Why can raw honey help?Peptides are natural elements working in the body to protect us from a broad range of harmful microbes. Bees produce antimicrobial peptides which leak into naturally produced bee products. So we eat raw honey, bee pollen and royal jelly we get the bacteria-fighting benefits.
Raw honey to boost your immune system against virusesWe have many defenses to fight off bacteria and viruses. Our bodies remember the bugs it has come into contact with and deals with them efficiently, and often without you noticing (the way vaccinations work).
The best defense against new viruses is getting your body into great shape through a healthy lifestyle. The role of your gut bacteria is a big part of this, so eating a varied diet with lots of high-fiber and plant-based foods is the way to go. Avoid processed foods especially those high in refined sugars. If you crave some sweetness then reach for some fresh fruit, or a little raw honey as it’s the only sweetener which contains over 200 health-boosters that do you good.
Eat a varied, high-fiber diet with whole foods and ingredients, get enough exercise and sleep, and you’ll arm your body with the best defense you can.
The best honey to boost your immunity?
Choose rawNot all honey is equal or natural. Most honey on the supermarket shelves comes from bees who have been fed sugar solution (no benefits from pollen), been fed anti-biotics and foraged in places that are full of chemicals. The honey itself has been flash-pasteurized and micro-filtered (so it stays clear and liquid). It contains little or none of the wonderful health-promoting benefits of pure, raw honey.
Genuine raw Sidr from Sidr trees, especially from bees in remote areas like Wadi Do’ani the Isle of Socotra or the extremely rare Royal Sidr Cave honey are top choices.
Avoid fake honeyMake sure you don’t become a victim of ‘honey laundering’ and being sold something that is not what it’s claimed to be. Al Madni Trader works directly with our own cooperatives of beekeepers; in Pakistan this supports the rural, economy too. We have our own dedicated hives in partnership with trusted beekeepers, on the High Peaks of Pakistan.
How to use raw honey to boost your immunityThe best way to eat raw honey is on a spoon straight from the jar, or drizzle it over healthy, high fibre foods like oatmeal, fruit or into smoothies. Store it at room temperature. There is no need to keep honey in the fridge, it lasts forever and edible honey was found buried in Egyptian tombs. However, if you heat honey it starts to lose some of its health-giving properties. Stir into lukewarm water as a drink but never into boiling liquid.
Health boosting with Al Madni Trader
If you have any questions about raw honey and boosting your immunity please contact us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. You can order Sidr Beri Honey, Eucalyptus Honey, Orange Blossom Honey and other rare raw honey on our website for delivery within the Pakistan. Or come and taste some at our outlets in Karachi.
Look after yourself and stay safe and healthy.